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tamoadmin 2025-01-23 人已围观

简介Hello,everybody,I‘m xxx from xx department.Let‘s see the weather together.the climate changed after night.we can observe that abroad yellowish rainband begin to roach Hong Kong toward night.It begins


Hello,everybody,I'm xxx from xx department.Let's see the weather together.the climate changed after night.we can observe that abroad yellowish rainband begin to roach Hong Kong toward night.It begins to rain heily after nightfall.The rain quantity around Hong Kong has accumulated over thirty millimeters.Xi Gong has suffered the most hey rain,neary fifty millimeters.But when we turn to he a look at the weather this afternoon,we can find that it's shiny .The highest temperature which is recorded from the observatory is thirty point six degree celcius.As for the temperature now,it,s twentythree degree celcius.Now,it's time to let weather forecaster predict the climate.

It's just because the trough of low pressure caused the unstable climate.It is predicted that there will be rain fall in the coming three days around the GuangDong coast.It is predicted from the observatory that it will be clody and rainy sometime tomorrow.Sometime when it rain heily ,you'll see storm and thunderstorm.As for the visual range,it's low today.The highest ultriolet index is level two.The intensity level is low.It is predicted that the wind will flow northerlyand then chang into east direction slowly.And the temperature is twenty four degrees celcius atfirst,but it'll fall to about twentyone degrees celcius tomorrow night.Because there's thuder and rain on the weekends some time,the lowest temperature is twenty or twentione degrees celcius.Then,let's concern about the climate around the world. Makau :thuderstorm,GuangZhou:rainy,XiaMen:brash,GaoXiong:rainy,TaiPei:brash,ShangHai :cloudless,Peking: cloudy,Shengyang:cloudless,Soul:cloudy.As for Japan,Oska:cloudless,Tokyo:brash.As for south-east Asia:Bali:cloudy,Jakarta:brash,Singapore、Kuala Lumpur 、Ban:thunderstorm.Hu Chi Ming City:brash,Manila:thundestorm.Mumbai:cloudless,Karachi:free,New Delhi:thunderstorm.Melbourne:free,Sydney:cloudless,Brisbane:brash.Wellington:cloudless,Aukland:brash.Let's see America,NewYork:cloudless,Toronto、Chicago:fine.Vancouver:cloudless,San Franscisco、Los Angeles:cloudy.

Finally,let's he a look at Europe:London:free,Frankfurt:brash.Let's concern about the weather in England at last.This photo is taken in London by my friend these days.It's rare to meet the cloudless and warm weather there,but it really lasted for a week.The temperatuer of southern region in England is only twenty degrees celcius.It makes people feel very comfortable.But the climate will change.As the arrow shows,there will be coldair flows to the south direction,causing the fall of temperature. A large part of rigion may frost.That's all of the weather forecast tonight,good night!

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